Dutch of Course
Customised Dutch courses for you and companies!
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Go native
Make new friends, talk with your neighbours, communicate with your child's teachers, and speak Dutch at your local shops!
100% success rate!
Pass exams
We help you pass integration exams, such as 'inburgeringsexamen' and 'Staatsexamen Nt2'.
Speak dutch at work
Don't let language be an obstacle. Boost your career by speaking Dutch!
Interact with families
Never feel awkward at
Dutch gatherings again!
Share stories with your loved ones
in Dutch, of course.
What people say about Dutch of Course

Paul Thomas / Communications Director, Europe, Middle East & Africa at AkzoNobel
I think my main worry was that I wouldn’t be able to find a course that would suit my requirements or my learning style. This didn’t happen though as Dutch of Course took a really tailored approach developing a program that really fitted my needs. We focused mainly on conversational skills and were not too bound by the text book. This has really helped my confidence in actually speaking to Dutch people, in Dutch. I would say that no matter what your level, Dutch of Course can really help you progress your language skills in a fun and engaging way. Keeping enthusiasm for the learning process is a key to success and Dutch of Course really understands this.

Tom Howze / Senior Manager at TomTom
I took my first Dutch course with Dutch of Course over the summer. I had heard about the varying quality of Dutch Courses in the NL and did not quite know what to expect. I felt the quality of the program was excellent and Judit is a fantastic teacher. She is very well versed not only in the mechanics of the language, but also the colloquial aspects of Dutch. There was just the right amount of English used for explanation, but only as needed so the experience was still immersive. Additionally, there was a great range of supporting material so the class was not just focused on the textbook. Judit is a funny, supportive, passionate teacher which brings good energy to the classroom every day!

Elise Sharpley / Senior Manager at Deloitte Consulting
Judit is a thoughtful, creative and talented language teacher. Judit focuses on the needs of her students and tailors learning materials and modules to support individual learning styles and interests. I really enjoyed the structured class content and materials mixed with tailored learning activities to help make learning Dutch fun. I would highly recommend Judit to anyone seeking to learn Dutch with other expats and enjoy themselves at the same time!
About Judit
My name is judiT, the founder of Dutch of Course.
I love to teach and encourage motivated people
who want to learn Dutch.
I know from personal experience
that learning Dutch is a fantastic way to
build relationships,
open new opportunities at work,
and embrace life in the Netherlands.
I believe learning Dutch should be an enjoyable experience.
By getting to know my students,
I gain an understanding
of their personal interests and hobbies,
and combine these with a wide variety of teaching materials
to create a completely unique and engaging course.
My Dutch courses are tailored to fit YOUR needs!
During my classes, no questions will be left unanswered.
My teaching style has been described as
innovative, creative, and well-structured.
Find out here what others say about me.
I look forward to meeting you soon
at your company, online, or in person.
Tot ziens!

Judit helps you:
Learn Dutch with a smile!
Feel at home
your confidence
using Dutch!